TMD proud to join BALPPA

Why has TMD joined BALPPA now?

We have joined BALPPA because we want to be credible and authentic in the markets we serve. Success in the service industry relies on building relationships and answering a need. Through an affiliation with BALPPA, we hope not only to be able to extend our network but also to gather insight and intelligence which will help TMD to better understand the needs of the market so we can continue to build effective solutions.

Do you already represent clients in the BALPPA sector? If so who?

Yes, TMD has built a solid portfolio of clients already represented by BALPPA including (but not exclusively); many parts of Merlin Entertainments Group, Vectis Ventures, Warner Bros Studio Tour, Brighton Pier, Pleasure Woods Hills and Oakwood Theme Park. Despite the fact that we operate in a highly competitive market, I’m pleased to say, many of our clients, both in this sector and outside of it, have partnered with us for multiple years. I believe this is due to the fact that we specialise in sectors that interest us and invest a huge amount of personal time understanding the requirements and creating solutions that answer that need efficiently and effectively.

So, what services does TMD offer?

We offer far more than just an embroidery and printing service. We attract and retain clients, often with a diverse array of product needs managing medium to large transient workforces, keen to build regular stock orders, optimise stock management and need a partner that can respond quickly to ad-hoc requirements. Our ambition is always to build long term, trusted relationships rather to address short term fulfilment.

We specialise in multi-site, multi-departmental supply and have developed a bespoke eStore platform which makes ordering super simple anytime, from anywhere with an internet connection.

As a specialist in multi-site, multi-departmental supply, there are certain sectors that really suit our business model, Holiday Parks and Attractions being one. Others include: the Leisure Industry, the Spa Industry, the Cruise Industry, the Care Sector and the Hospitality Sectors. We have also found quite a foothold in sourcing product for Superyachts, primarily in Europe but also globally. To help us really become an integral part of the sectors we serve, my brother and I tend to divvy up the sectors where we take the lead. For example, I tend to look after Attractions and Holiday Parks, hence I have taken the lead on the BALPPA membership, the Cruise Sector, The Care Sector and the superyachts while my brother heads up the others.

How is it, building a business with your brother?

I am super proud of what we have built together. I think the key to our success lies in the fact that we both love what we do. We have both now worked in the uniform business for more than 25 years and have a thorough understanding of the market and TMD’s place in that market. When a client approaches us with a need, we can always find a solution. We have 100 per cent confidence in our supply chain and know we deliver a service which is high quality, efficient and difficult to beat. I just love what I do because I know what I do offers clients a solution they would struggle to match elsewhere.

So, tell us a bit more about you and how you like to spend your time away from TMD

Having two children, aged 14 and 16, I try to spend as much time with the family as possible. We are all pretty sporty and share many interests. We’ve just completed a scuba diving course together so hopefully many adventures to follow. I’m a keen golfer, playing all year round whenever I can and I also like to try and fit in a bit of skiing during the winter months.

Closing comment

I’m really excited to roll my sleeves up and get involved in all that BALPPA has to offer. The sector has gone through a turbulent year thanks to the global pandemic but now, as restrictions lift, I am looking forward to getting to know more of the BALPPA community and exploring areas of mutual interest.

If you are interested in finding out more about TMD over a virtual cup of tea, or even better, an actual round of golf, get in touch by emailing me at: or call me on either 01202 473311 or 07713 126234.

Ed Taylor

Ed Taylor

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