TMD continues to back the GLL Sport Foundation

TMD continues to back the GLL Sport Foundation, helping thousands of young athletes realise their potential.

It was fantastic to read the recent article in HCM, issue 8, P70-72 last month, highlighting the incredible work of the GLL Sport Foundation, a charity TMD has supported ever since it launched in 2008.

GLL is best known for its work running 260 sport and leisure centres on behalf of local authorities across the UK. What is less well known is the extensive support the organisation provides to young talented athletes on a path to fulfilling their performance potential, through its charitable Sports Foundation.

Every year the Sport Foundation supports more than 3,000 athletes, 97 per cent of whom receive no other funding or support. To date, the Sport Foundation has gifted more than £12 million to young athletes, an investment that has helped thousands realise their sporting dreams and helped deliver, amongst many other achievements, 50 Olympic medals.

TMD has been a sponsor of the Sport Foundation since its launch and has donated more than £100,000. James Taylor, TMD Founder and MD says: “It was great to see the work of the Sport Foundation showcased in HCM.

“As a small business, we are keen to play our part in supporting young talent but on our own we would struggle to resource a project that could deliver value on any kind of meaningful scale. Lending our support to the GLL Sport Foundation enables us to make a valued contribution and know that this contribution is positively impacted the lives of thousands of talented young people who may otherwise never get to turn their ambition into reality.”

In addition to its quarterly donations to the Sport Foundation, TMD has also created an online marketplace where athletes can buy Sport Foundation branded apparel. A donation to the Foundation is automatically paid on each and every item sold.

James Jebb, GLL Foundations Manager, says “The support of partners such as TMD is the life blood of The Sport Foundation and we wouldn’t be able to make the impact on so many athletes without them. TMD has been a constant throughout the years and has been a brilliant partner to work with. The financial support is always valuable but the branded apparel is always very much appreciated by our athletes, it helps us create a community of athletes who see each other in and around our centres and know they are part of a select group. I thank James and his team for continuing to commit to GSF each year, especially through a difficult past 18 months.”

In addition to supporting the GLL Sport Foundation, TMD has been supplying uniforms to staff across the GLL estate for more than 25 years. James Taylor adds: “It all started when Mike Lockwood, GLL Health and Safety Manager, stopped by the TMD stand in the closing hours of Leisure Industry Week back in 1995. He was charged with sourcing and distributing staff uniforms and was buying from multiple sources in order to address a diverse array of needs.

After assessing the needs of the business, TMD presented a one-stop-shop solution, creating a single point of contact for all uniform sourcing, manufacturing and distributing. Fortunately, Mike loved what we presented and we have been working with GLL ever since.

The partnership works so well because of the mutual respect shown by both parties towards the other. GLL is an extremely valued client and we are constantly assessing the service we provide to ensure it continues to meet the needs of their evolving business.”

If you would like to talk to James about how TMD could help you better manage your uniform and merchandising needs, send an email now, to


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