TMD News2 November 20170

Customer Service Survey – October NPS Score 82!

In this day and age, customer service is the key to keeping and retaining your customers, and hopefully they will pass on the good word to friends and colleagues!

To find out how we’re doing in the customer service side of things, we enlisted the help of The Retention People to create the Net Promoter Score Survey – the industry led customer service survey.  Simply asking the question “How likely are you to recommend Taylor Made Designs to a friend or colleague?” the survey then asks you to score from 0 (Not at all likely) to 10 (extremely likely)

With a maximum score potential of 100

We are delighted to reveal our NPS for the month of October is a fantastic 82!

So a BIG thanks to all our wonderful customers for this score  🙂

We hope to keep us this great score over the many months and years to come!


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